Kingsacre School Values
"Our branches will grow in different directions
but our roots remain as one"
In keeping with our beautiful school grounds, our school ethos is built around the image of a tree. We celebrate the different directions that the children's branches will grow whilst knowing that their Kingsacre roots, or values, are guiding them. A Value is a principle that guides thinking and our behaviour.
At Kingsacre, every individual is valued for who they are and what they contribute to the school. The values are intended to support the personal, social and spiritual development of every child throughout the school.
The whole staff team, parents, Governors and children are involved in promoting values and recognising where others are ‘living the values’. The values developed were selected after consultation with children, staff, governors and parents; chosen as values which are important within the school community and which will be important throughout life.
Each year group act as a 'champion' for one of the values ensuring that, during their journey through Kingsacre, each child will develop their understanding of our Kingsacre roots.
Year Group | Value |
Reception | Kindness |
One | Honesty |
Two | Curiosity |
Three | Pride |
Four | Respect |
Five | Resilience |
Six | Ambition |
Through the Values we aim to:
- Promote positive behaviour and self confidence by developing strong values within the children at the school.
- Develop children's understanding of what values are and why they are important in life.
- Encourage children to ‘live the values’ in all aspects of their lives both in school and out.
- Promote values to children in every aspect of school life.
- Promote values in the way in which adults interact with each other and with pupils
- Display our school values and encourage all visitors to take account of them in their time in the school.
- To raise standards by promoting a school ethos that is underpinned by core values which support the development of the whole child as a reflective learner within a calm, caring, happy and purposeful atmosphere
- To link our school values with the British Values
Reception – Kindness
Kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. Kindness means treating others the best that we can no matter who they are or how we feel - treat others with fairness, compassion and respect. At Kingsacre we hope to show Kindness through our consideration and concern for each other.
Year One – Honesty
Honesty is the act of speaking and acting truthfully. You can be honest with others, but you also need to be honest with yourself. Honesty means you don't say things about people that aren't true. Honesty means admitting to your actions, even if you'll get in trouble; you explain how a situation really happened. At Kingsacre we use Honesty to help us when we have done something wrong but are scared to admit it? Being Honest at Kingsacre we will:
- Be brave!
- Apologise – and mean it (people will respect us for that)
- Take responsibility for what we have done and see if there is a way to make things better.
- Most of all - we will learn from the experience - we may get into a little bit of trouble, but lying will make it MUCH worse.
People will forgive you if you show Honesty and don’t lie.
Year Two – Curiosity
At Kingsacre we see Curiosity as:
- Finding out more.
- Wanting to do something again and again because you are so interested and curious.
- Wanting to learn more.
- Looking for ways to find out more.
- Wanting to know what you don’t know.
- Asking questions.
- Exploring.
- Searching for a piece of information or the answer to a question.
- Asking yourself questions that you haven’t already asked.
- When you think of your own ideas and build them up.
At Kingsacre we see Curiosity as our strong desire to learn - to know more and remember more.
Year Three – Pride
At Kingsacre our curriculum aims are to inspire, aspire and enjoy meaning that we take Pride in our achievements and those of our school community. We aim to always act in the best interests of our school community and take ownership of, and responsibility for, our learning. Pride gives us the confidence and curiosity to ask questions, solve problems and respond to feedback in order to make progress in our learning. We will take Pride in everything we do, celebrate success and we feel proud of ourselves, each other and our school.
Year Four – Respect
This value is at the core of everything we do in school. It underpins learning through behaviour and our attitude to others and the world around us. We want our whole school community to Respect each other. At Kingsacre this may be shown by making good decisions about our own behaviour; taking responsibility for our learning; being independent; bringing the correct equipment to school; being compassionate and caring for others. Respect also includes thinking about being a good citizen and caring for our environment.
At Kingsacre we want our school community to have an understanding of and Respect for the rights, equality and diversity of all without discrimination. We believe it is important to equip children with the skills, attitudes and behaviours needed to develop mutual understanding and Respect, empathy, trust and honesty and acceptance. We want our children to become confident, fair and responsible individuals who make informed and responsible decisions throughout their lives.
Although we have very few incidents of actual bullying it is important for all the children to be aware of what bullying is and how to deal with it. No child deserves to be bullied – it is unacceptable behaviour and does not show Respect.
Year Five – Resilience
Resilience means – not giving up when things get difficult. Resilience is being able to do or achieve something. It is about making your mind up about something and driving on to achieve a goal.
At Kingsacre we believe you can show Resilience by:
- Being brave when faced with a challenge
- Never giving up
- Setting goals and working towards them
- Asking for help
- Not being afraid to make a mistake
- Being prepared to struggle on when things go wrong - we will support you
- Bouncing back or recovering quickly from difficulties.
- Recognising the need for a different approach and adapting to solve a problem
- Remembering the power of 'yet' - I cannot do this yet...
Resilience is about:
- Self-awareness
- Saying ‘I can’
- Overcoming barriers
Our resilient learners will…
- Be determined
- Not give up
- Be confident to take risks
- Learn from experiences
- Develop the ability to work through difficulties
- Adapt a ‘can-do’ attitude
- Be flexible and adaptable
- Stay positive
- Develop trust
Year Six – Ambition
At Kingsacre we do not settle for the ordinary. We ask challenging questions and are prepared to take risks. By making the right choices, we can be anything we want to be. We have Ambition!
At Kingsacre we try to show Ambition by:
- Identifying and aiming for a goal
- Knowing the steps to achieving our goal
- Pushing and extending ourselves
- Believing that nothing is impossible
- Keeping focused on the ‘big picture’
- Knowing there are different routes to success