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Braunton Learning Co-Operative Trust

The consultation period for the proposed Co-operative Trust ended and on Thursday 4th July 2019 governors from all six schools met to consider the views and comments received during the statutory consultation process about the proposal to set up the Braunton Learning  Co-operative.  Following individual board meetings held by each school each Governing Board voted to implement the proposal from 1st September.

This means that Caen Community Primary School, Kingsacre Primary School and Southmead Primary School have changed their legal school category from community to foundation and, at the same time, acquire charitable status as a shared cooperative Trust.  Braunton Academy, Marwood Primary and Georgeham C of E (VC) Primary School are partner schools within the Trust.  

Our shared website can be found here:

brauntonlearning cooperativetrust.org

We are delighted that all six schools voted to set up the Trust and are already enjoying working more closely with the schools in our wider community.  Kingsacre is represented on the Trust Board by Mrs Cole and Mark Cann (as Chair of Governors).  We, together with all the governors and the staff, are excited about the opportunities this will bring for joint activities for pupils and enhanced support structures for staff, subject coordinators and heads.

Our intent is to work together for our children in order to:

  1. create an ethos of mutual support and transparency in working towards school improvement across schools within the partnership
  2. improve progress and outcomes for all children, young people and staff by analysing data across the partnership to inform how we work and how we measure success
  3. provide opportunities for all our children, young people, staff, leaders and governors to  work and grow alongside one another, building positive relationships across a variety of curriculum and enrichment activities
  4. identify teams across the partnership to share subject expertise in curriculum, training and ‘business’ areas of school life so that we take advantage of economies of scale
  5. build additional partnerships with supportive organisations, to encourage our communities to be outward-looking  
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