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Welcome Letter

Welcome to Kingsacre Primary School and thank you for looking at our website.

Our friendly, popular and successful school recently had its 30th anniversary and we are working hard to ensure that the school continues to be successful for the next 30 years and beyond!  We have an experienced and committed staff who work in partnership with parents to give our children the best possible education so that, when they leave us, they are prepared to take full advantage of every opportunity their future lives offer them.

Our main aim is to enable our children to be successful in their lives by ensuring that they are developing the skills and attitudes they will need.

The ability to present themselves confidently and in an inspiring way -  The children are given many opportunties to celebrate their learning, share their talents with an audience and engage with people of all ages. Using oracy skills confidently to be able to communicate effctively is an important life skill for all of our children.

Respect for themselves and others - We expect high standards of behaviour and excellent manners from all children and all adults in our school - these are never taken for granted and are promoted at every opportunity.  We are proud that our children have an excellent reputation for politeness and good behaviour on the many offsite visits they take part in.

A sense of responsibility - Our children are encouraged to take on a variety of responsibilities, both in class and for the whole school. For example, leading play at break and lunchtimes, helping supervise younger children at mealtimes, supporting the local community and working collaboratively within their Family Group.  This encourages them to nurture and care for others.

A sense of empowerment - Our 'Children's Voice' is of great importance. The children are encouraged to speak out about their experiences at Kingsacre and they know that their ideas will be listened to and acted upon. Our recent children's questionnaire highlighted concerns about the height of toilet doors for the older children and difficulty in seeing adults at playtimes and lunchtimes for the younger children. The doors have been changed and all staff now wear hi-viz jackets on the playground - the children made this change happen.

A firm grounding in literacy and numeracy skills which they can apply in different situations - High quality teaching in these areas, carefully planned and coordinated across the year groups, and practised across all subjects ensures that the children can confidently express themselves, reason and solve problems.

A breadth of understanding of the world around them - A broad and balanced curriculum ensures that our children develop a good understanding of the world while enjoying exciting and inspiring learning opportunities.

Independence and team working skills - The children are encouraged to stretch and challenge themselves in all areas of their learning and are taught to be able to cooperate effectively to succeed.  

We aim to ensure that your child will attend a school where:

Children's individual needs are well catered for, including those with special needs, learning difficulties and are gifted and talented.

All children are challenged and stretched in their work.

Older children look after the younger ones and they all take pride in being caring, polite, helpful and hardworking.

New children are welcomed in and looked after by everyone.

The behaviour and manners of children and staff are always of a high standard.

The school's setting is beautiful and well looked after - from green playing fields to attractive wooded areas.

Parents feel welcome in the school; able to talk to staff and raise any queries.

There is enthusiastic support from parents - assisted greatly by our active friends committee who organise a wide range of activities and fundraisers.

Children have the opportunity to attend regular day and residential trips which enhance and maximise their learning .

Every child's progress is carefully monitored.

Teachers and teaching assistants know the children and families very well

Children have access to a range of extra-curricular opportunities, sporting, creative and environmental.

There is an open door policy meaning that you can always speak to someone about any concerns or questions.

Claire Cole - Headteacher

Thank you for your interest in Kingsacre Primary School - I hope that our website will help you to learn a little more about us.

I am always happy to meet with parents and visitors and greatly value the open door policy that we have - no query or concern is ever too small. 

Please feel free to pop into the school office to make an appointment, telephone on 01271 815485 or email me directly at:


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